Video Library

This video library provides a comprehensive collection of videos and materials focused on the phenomenon of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). This resource is designed to share scientific insights, case studies, and practical approaches to the prevention and mitigation of GLOF-related risks. The emphasis lies on enhancing the understanding of these complex natural events while supporting professionals, researchers, and stakeholders in analyzing and developing strategies to address the challenges they pose.



As the climate changes and glaciers melt, a lesser-known threat lurks in alpine areas: glacial lake outburst floods. These events happen rapidly, releasing huge amounts of water with little or no warning. Unsuspecting communities lying in the flood path can suffer serious losses. Researchers seek better ways to predict these outburst floods and mitigate their danger. Take a hike through the Swiss Alps with glaciologist Fabian Walter to learn about this phenomenon and our ongoing efforts to understand it.
