Research and Exchange Visits

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

The visit of Kazakh researcher Assel Abdullayeva from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in April 2023 was aimed at an exchange focusing on hazard assessment, modelling and mapping approaches. Beside the stay at University of Zurich, an exchange visit to WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF was organized.

MoES, Kyrgyzstan

Vitalii Zaginaev (Head of division in Hazard Monitoring and Forecasting Department, Kyrgz Ministry of Emergency Situation), contracted by UNESCO, understood a research stay at University of Zurich (UZH) from 22 May to 2 June, 2023. The visit had two main objectives:

  • Conduct hazard assessment and modeling for the lakes of the Ala-Archa River basin and the Ton-Tosor River basin using the RAMMS software. Additionally, perform a technical assessment to evaluate the feasibility of an early warning system EWS for the selected target area.
  • Carry out a technical evaluation for the construction of an EWS and develop a preliminary design for an EWS specifically for mudflows caused by high mountain lake outbursts in the Ala Archa river valley. 

During the stay, UZH organized together with a local expert of the canton of Wallis (Dr. Eric Bardou) to visit the most debris-flow hazardous areas in Switzerland, including the Ilgraben River valley and the Martigny valley, where early warning systems for debris-flows have been installed. These systems consist of specialized equipment such as acoustic radars, optical cameras, special trigger lines, and geophones. Vitalii also visited Interpraevent and Geobrug companies, where modern methods of monitoring and notifying mudflows were presented. Additionally, he visited factories involved in the manufacturing of monitoring equipment. 

Vitalii Zaginaev and hazard expert from the canton of Wallis (Eric Bardou) discuss debris flow geomorphology during field visit in Switzerland.
