Education Activities

Distance learning module

The distance learning module (DLM) provides a compilation of lecture, reading, self-guided learning material, and practical exercises to support academic teaching on the topics of hazard assessment and Disaster Risk Management in Central Asia. As such, the DLM is intended to support the training of the next generation of natural hazard and disaster risk management specialists in the region. The concepts and tools introduced in the DLM are applicable to a broad range of natural hazards occurring within mountain areas of Central Asia.

The lecture and exercise material was developed in partnership with CAIAG. The DLM was launched regionally in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, with an option to participate online. The entire learning module will soon be accessible from the GLOFCA knowledge platform.

Overview of the distance learning module concept

GLOFCA contribution to Adventure of Science

In order to contribute to gender equality and capacity building in the context of natural hazard and risk science and reduction Laura Niggli joined the all-female ‘Adventure of Science: Women and Glaciers’ (short: AoS) expeditions in 2022, 2023 and 2024 as scientific instructor with expertise on GLOFs and Early Warning Systems. The 10-day science camp provided the opportunity to teach and learn about the conceptual background in natural hazards and risk, as well as on-site evidence and practical examples of GLOF research and disaster risk management approaches.

Lecture on GLOF risk and disaster risk management in the scope of the AoS expedition in the Ala-Archa National Park.
