Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic

Ukashev Djergalbek, Hossini Vilma

Published in: 2015

Publisher: Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyz Republic, Secretariat of the National Platform for DRR of Kyrgyz Republic, German Committee for Disaster Reduction

Region / Country: Central Asia

Topics: Disaster risk reduction / Disaster risk management / Hazards / Resilience /Climate Change / Resilience / Recovery/ Earthquake / landslides / Preparedness and Response / etc.

The strategic directions on strengthening National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are intended for use by all stakeholders as a guiding document or manual, which proposes a list of rational options of organizational and practical actions that aim at strengthening the capacity, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of national platforms for disaster risk reduction.
