Tag: Glaciers / Environment / Water / Hydrology / Climate change / etc.

The Glaciers of Central Asia: A Disappearing Resource

This booklet is based on a study Central Asia Glaciers’ Study – Current state of knowledge and recommendations, commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Europe in collaboration with national consultants of Central Asia, with the support of the

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Glaciers and Glaciation, 2nd edition

Glaciers and Glaciation is the classic textbook for all students of glaciation. Stimulating and accessible, it has established a reputation as a comprehensive and essential resource. In this new edition, the text, references and illustrations have been thoroughly updated to

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Glaciers and Environmental Change

This book provides a thorough, updated account of glaciers and ice sheets as monitors and indicators of environmental change. It examines the record of environmental change within glaciers and ice sheets, and that of past environments left by retreating glaciers.

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