System of the debris flow protection in the Zailiyskiy Alatau range

Medeu A.R.,Blagoveshchenskiy, V.P., Ranova, S.U., Kasatkin N.E., Kasenov M.K., Raymbekova Zh.T.

Published in: 2020

Publisher: Debris Flows: Disasters, Risk, Forecast, Protection Proceedings of the 6th conference (Tajikistan)

Region / Country: Kazakhstan

Topics: Mudflow hazard monitoring and early warning

The system of anti-mudflow measures in Zailiysky Alatau includes: assessment
and mapping of mudflow hazard and mudflow risk, preventive emptying of moraine lakes,
monitoring and early warning of mudflow hazard, construction of mudflow protection
dams. The mudflow hazard maps show the borders of mudflows with different power and
frequency. Mudflow risk maps were compiled separately for social, economic and
environmental risks. Maps based on the results of the average annual damage from
mudflows show areas with low, moderate and high-risk levels. Preventive emptying of
lakes has been carried out since 1964. Over the entire period of work, empting has been
done on more than 20 lakes. In recent years, seven moraine lakes have been regularly
emptied. Lakes are emptied by laying surface runoff channels and pumping water with
pumps and siphons. During the work, mini-bulldozers and mini-excavators are used.
Monitoring and early warning of mudflows includes: 30 automatic monitoring stations (8
stations on moraine lakes, 6 stations in mudflow formation sites, 9 stations in mudflow
channels, 5 stations on mudflow dams), and two control centers. The deployment of the
monitoring network will be completed in 2020. To protect against mudflows 14 dams were
built. In two mudflow channels, cable-mesh barriers are installed. It is planned to build
two new dams.
