Surge-Type Glaciers in the Tien Shan (Central Asia)

K. Mukherjee et al

Published in: 2017

Publisher: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

Region / Country: Central Asia

Topics: Glaciers / Environment / Water / Hydrology / Climate change / etc.

Surge-type glaciers have been observed in several mountain ranges of the world. Though Karakoram and Pamir are the hot spots for the occurrence of surge-type glaciers in High Mountain Asia, few surge-type glaciers also exist in Tien Shan. These have not been studied or reported in detail in the recent literature. We have identified 39 surge-type glaciers and five tributary surges in Tien Shan either from available literature or by visual interpretation using available images from the period 1960 until 2014. Out of the 39 glaciers, 9 are confirmed as surge-type, 13 are very probably surge-type, and the remaining are possibly of surge-type. Most of the surge-type glaciers are located in Ak-Shiirak and Central Tien Shan.
