Study on Cooperation on the Syrdarya river

Diebold, Alfred

Published in: 2001

Publisher: World Bank; Final report; 2012; Indecon Consulting;

Region / Country: Central Asia

Topics: IWRM / Syr Darya / Transboundary water issues / Water Management

As part of a series of case studies initiated and funded by The World Bank, the Study on Cooperation on the Syr Darya River in general aims to improve the regional water cooperation in Central Asia, particularly in the Aral Sea basin. The World Bank considers, in close cooperation with the other international funding agencies, the regional organisations (EC IFAS, ICWC and ICSD) and governments of the Central Asian region, to use the analysis and recommendations for the development of an improved cooperation between the riparians with the ultimate aim to make better use of existing water resources and thereby improve the living conditions of the people in the Aral Sea region. The focus of the analytical effort in the Study is to identify, inventory, and categorize the risks as perceived by the countries as they contemplate engaging in regional cooperation over international waters (IW). The output of the study is a systematic analysis of perceived risks from a national perspective.
