Stakeholder Analysis Report

EU; CAREC; Nexus Dialogues; etc.

Published in: 2001

Publisher: EU; CAREC; Nexus Dialogues; etc.

Region / Country: Central Asia

Topics: Agriculture / Aral Sea basin / Climate Change /Energy / Environment / Infrastructure / IWRM / Water Management

The objective of this study is to prepare a comprehensive stakeholder analysis for the Nexus Dialogues Project. For the purpose of this study, stakeholders are defined as those organizations (international, regional, national, basin), sectors or groups of individuals which either benefit from or have positive or negative impacts upon the mainstreaming of inter-sectoral approach in policy making and enabling environment for attractive climate-resilient investments. The stakeholder analysis was designed to provide detailed and comprehensive information as follows: • Stakeholder type and specific; • Needs for increased inter-sectoral cooperation, WEF Nexus and investment opportunities; • Identify whether the action required is Communication, Training or Policy change. The Stakeholder Assessment Report will be used to prepare a comprehensive Communication and Capacity Building plan which will be published as separate reports. However, the Assessment should be considered as a working document and updated as the project progresses if required.
