This Review is based on the analysis of national reports conducted by the experts from Central Asian countries, as well as on the outcomes of the expert group and the World Bank specialists’ workshop in Almaty (RK) on December, 5-6, 2019, at which existing experiences in university level education in water sector specialties in Central Asia were shared, and burning issues related to the improvement of national educational programs and standards for training of water professionals were discussed.
The group of experts was comprised of: S. Ibatullin (lead regional expert), A. Kenshimov (IFAS), A. Malibekov, D. Nurmangabetov, S. Shotanov (all from Kazakhstan), L. Bulekbaeva, E. Drugalieva, T. Isabekov (Kyrgyz Republic), A. Fazylov (Tajikistan), T. Majidov. (Uzbekistan).