The study of climate in Kyrgyzstan in the aspect of measuring of various parameters and its subsequent analysis are carried out by the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) over the last decade. According to the direction of measuring climatic parameters is created and maintained the network of automatic weather stations transmitting information via satellite and cellular communication channels to CAIAG server. The scheme of their location and characteristics are available on the CAIAG website ( Climate parameters derived from these stations are available on special CAIAG server in the form of system on collection and storage of sensory parameters (SDSS), ( Another important source of weather information is the use of data from special sensors of satellites. In particular, information on the snow cover from the “MODIS” sensor of “TERRA” and “Aqua” satellites, surface temperature from the infrared sensors of “Landsat 8” satellite, areal distribution of precipitation from the satellite group (model TMPA-3B43) etc. The second direction of Kyrgyzstan climate study in CAIAG is the analysis of whole array of weather information obtained during entire period of instrumental observations by Kyrgyzhydromet and CAIAG. This information is analyzed for different regions of Kyrgyzstan by various methods in order to obtain the most objective qualitative and quantitative models of functioning and development of the climate system of Kyrgyzstan that is necessary to solve practical issues. One of the developments in the field of climate research presented in this paper is the examination of actual changes in temperature and precipitation – main climate components of Bazar-Korgon district, obtained according to the long-term observations from 1930 to 2009 at meteorological stations in JalalAbad and Ak-Terek-Gava . Final part of the paper provides an overview of general trend of climate change in Kyrgyzstan, underlines the need for correct analysis of entire array of meteorological information obtained by Kyrgyz Hydrometeorological Survey and other organizations. It emphasizes the importance of consideration the natural irregular periodicity of climate change in climate forecasts.