We present a model framework for the regional- scale analysis of high-mountain multi-hazard and -risk in- dicators, implemented with the open-source software pack- age GRASS GIS. This framework is applied to a 98 300km2 study area centred in the Pamir (Tajikistan). It includes (i) rock slides, (ii) ice avalanches, (iii) periglacial debris flows and (iv) lake outburst floods. First, a hazard indicator is as- signed to each relevant object (steep rock face, glacier or periglacial slope, lake). This indicator depends on the sus- ceptibility and on the possible event magnitude. Second, the possible travel distances, impact areas and, consequently, im- pact hazard indicators for all types of processes are computed using empirical relationships. The impact hazard indicators are finally superimposed with an exposure indicator derived from the type of land use, resulting in a raster map of risk in- dicators finally discretized at the community level. The anal- ysis results are presented and discussed at different spatial scales. The major outcome of the study, a set of comprehen- sive regional-scale hazard and risk indication maps, shall rep- resent an objective basis for the prioritization of target com- munities for further research and risk mitigation measures.