Recent Cases and Geomorphic Evidence of Landslide-Dammed Lakes and Related Hazards in the Mountains of Central Asia

Schneider J F, Gruber F E, Mergili M

Published in: 2013

Publisher: Springer, Landslide Science and Practice

Region / Country: Pakistan & Tajikistan

Topics: Understanding of the dynamics of landslide-dammed lakes for risk mitigation, based on lessons learnt from two recent cases in Pakistan and historical evidence from Tajikistan and Pakistan.

Evidence of former landslide-dammed lakes exists in several places of the Central Asian mountains, both from historic and prehistoric times. Geomorphic records help to under- stand recent processes: large landslides repeatedly dam lakes which then threaten the population downstream. Even though most dam failures occur in the first few months after formation, lakes may also drain suddenly at later stages. Two case studies from Northern Pakistan are employed to exemplify the involved phenomena regarding dam formation, outburst mechanisms and options for hazard mitigation.
