Pakistan case study: catastrophic floods

Hewitt K

Published in: 1985

Publisher: ?

Region / Country: Pakistan

Topics: Case study of thirty-five destructive outburst floods recorded in the past 200 years in Pakistan, taken from a much more extensive paper on the subject by Hewitt (1982).

Within the highly glacierized Karakoram Himalaya situated largely within Pakistan, there have been many cases of catastrophic floods, some the result of river damming by landslide, others the result of river damming by glacier ice with subseguent dam failure. The purpose of this case study is to show, by reference to one particular example, the magnitude and conseguences of a glacier outburst flood and possible ways of alleviating the social and economic impacj: of such floods. This case study is taken from a much more extensive paper on the subject by Hewitt (1982).
