Modern glaciation and glacial lakes of Karatal River basin

Usmanova Z.S., Kapitsa V.P.

Published in: 2015

Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Region / Country: Kazakhstan

Topics: Glacial lakes

In the article provided results of change of glaciation and glacial lakes of Karatal River basin on the basis of remote sensing data. Morphometric characteristics of glaciers and lakes are defined. Comparison of param-eters of glaciation and lakes for the different time periods is made; rates of degradation of glaciation and dynamic of glacial lakes of considered basin are estimated. Glacier retreat is followed by increase of number and area of glacial lakes located on modern moraines. It is determined that for 55 years area of glaciation reduced on 89,35km2 (for 44,12%), number of lakes increased from 166 in 2002 to 181 in 2014 and their total area increased more than for 17%
