This report provides a synopsis of the work undertaken by the University of Zurich (UZH) in our role as the lead implementing partner to the GLOFCA project. The report covers the period from October 2022 until the end of April 2023 and is an update of previous reports. The key achievement of this reporting period include:
- Completion of the second regional exchange workshop on GLOF hazard assessment.
- Preliminary hazard assessment results for the pilot sites from numerical modelling.
- Completion of a series of webinars on EWS with regional and international experts.
- Drafting of a methodological framework for GLOF hazard and risk assessment (UZH input to chapter 2 of the best practice guidance document.
- Exchange visits from partners from Kazakhstan (and preparation of visit from Kyrgyzstan).
- Procurement of services for consulting and back-stopping for technical issues of the EWS.
- Completion of the analytical lake mapping toolbox and lake atlas.
- Contributions to regional events, including summer schools and capacity building activities.
- Contributions to international conferences