Hydrological risks and their prevention in Kazakhstan

Plekhanov P.A., Medeu N.N

Published in: 2019

Publisher: Hydro. 2019;3(1):3-4.

Region / Country: Kazakhstan

Topics: Extreme Hydrological Phenomena

The Republic of Kazakhstan is located in the temperate zone of the Eurasian continent within geographical coordinates: 400 35I – 550 30I north latitude and 460 30I- 870 20I east longitude. The territory of the republic is large – 2724.9 thousand km2. For this reason, the republic has a wide variety of natural conditions in the republic: mountains, plains, forests, steppes, deserts, etc., which predetermines the manifestation of numerous hydrological risks. The causes of hydrological risks are extreme hydrological phenomena (EHP), the number of which reaches about 30 species.
