Glaciers Forum Highlights Strategic Actions and Collaboration for Cryosphere Preservation

The International Glaciers Forum, held on June 10, 2024, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, marked a significant milestone in advancing the global effort to preserve glaciers amid a changing climate. This pivotal event was part of the 3rd High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development” 2018-2028. The Forum, co-organized by UNESCO, UNRCCA, GIZ, and the Committee on Environmental Protection of Tajikistan, brought together over 180 participants, including high-level representatives, experts, and stakeholders from Central Asia and beyond.

Key Discussions and Outcomes

The Forum was dedicated to the International Year of Glaciers Preservation 2025 (IYGP 2025), an initiative by the Republic of Tajikistan under UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/77/158. The event aimed to raise global awareness about the critical role of glaciers in the climate system and hydrological cycle, and the economic, social, and environmental impacts of changes in the cryosphere.

Opening Remarks and High-Level Sessions

The Forum was inaugurated by Mr. Sulaimon Ziyozoda, Deputy Prime Minister of Tajikistan, and Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO. Keynote speakers from UNRCCA, GIZ, WMO, UNEP, and the European Commission highlighted the importance of international collaboration in addressing cryosphere-related challenges.

Roadmap and Technical Sessions

A central focus was the presentation of the Roadmap towards International Year of Glaciers Preservation (IYGP) 2025 and Glacier Day 2025 by UNESCO and WMO. The technical sessions showcased the impacts of climate change on glaciers, with case studies and lessons learned from projects implemented by UNESCO, GIZ, and other partners. Discussions emphasized integrating cryosphere-focused activities into broader water and climate initiatives.

Enhanced Collaboration and Technological Utilization

Participants underscored the need for enhanced collaboration at international, regional, and national levels to create synergies among ongoing and planned projects. The importance of leveraging advanced technologies such as remote sensing, community-based monitoring, and climate services was highlighted to improve cryosphere data quality and accessibility.

Key Messages and Future Steps

The Forum concluded with several key messages:

  1. International Collaboration: Strengthening coordination among cryosphere-relevant institutions to maximize resource efficiency and impact.
  2. Integration with Broader Initiatives: Embedding cryosphere monitoring within broader water and climate-related interventions.
  3. Adaptation Strategies: Developing science-based adaptation strategies and early warning systems for glacier-related hazards.
  4. Climate Services: Utilizing the Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus approach to complement cryosphere interventions.
  5. Awareness and Capacity Building: Enhancing educational programs, training, and public awareness campaigns about the cryosphere’s importance.
  6. Gender Perspectives: Promoting gender-sensitive policies and encouraging the active participation of women in decision-making processes.
  7. Innovative Technologies: Enhancing the use of remote sensing and advanced modeling tools for better data on cryosphere changes.

Contributions to the GLOFCA Project

The GLOFCA (Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Central Asia) project was showcased as a crucial initiative contributing to the Forum’s objectives. It emphasizes the use of advanced technologies for monitoring glacial lakes and developing early warning systems to mitigate flood risks, aligning with the Forum’s call for science-based adaptation strategies and enhanced regional cooperation.

Way Forward

The Forum stressed the importance of fostering cooperation to successfully implement IYGP 2025, bridging the data-knowledge gap, and ensuring adequate support for glacier preservation initiatives. The outcomes of the Forum contributed significantly to the Declaration of the 3rd High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development” 2018-2028, emphasizing the critical role of glaciers in sustaining ecosystems and livelihoods in Central Asia and beyond.
