Glacial lakes in the Ile (Zailiiskiy) Alatau: current state, observed changes and potential risks

V. Kapitsa, M. Shahgedanova, Z. Usmanova, I. Severskiy,V. Blagovechshenskiy, N. Kasatkin, V. Mishenin, Yu. Rebrov,A. Golenko

Published in: 2018

Publisher: Tbilisi: Publishing House “Universal”, 2018, 671 p

Region / Country: Kazakhstan

Topics: GLOF

This paper reports the results of an assessment of potential risks of glacial lake outbursts
and formation of debris flow in the Ile (Zailiiskiy) Alatau based on the data of the catalogue
of glacial lakes developed using remote sensing and field work in 2009-2017. Climatic
changes are assessed using data from six meteorological stations located between 1100 m
and 3450 m a.s.l. Seventeen lakes are identified as dangerous using methods employed by
the Kazakhstan State Agency for Mudflow Protection and those proposed by Huggel et al.
[2002]. Discharge resulting from the potential outburst of these lakes is estimated.
