Glacial Lake Inventory and Lake Outburst Potential in Uzbekistan

Maxim A. Petrov, Timur Y. Sabitov, Irina G. Tomashevskaya, Gleb E. Glazirin, Sergey S. Chernomorets, Elena A. Savernyuk, Olga V. Tutubalina, Dmitriy A. Petrakov, Leonid S. Sokolov, Mikhail D. Dokukin, Giorgos Mountrakis, Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva, Markus S

Published in: 2017

Publisher: Science of The Total Environment

Region / Country: Uzbekistan

Topics: Inventory of glacial lakes and outburst risks in Uzbekistan

This study presents the first comprehensive inventory of mountain and glacial lakes in Uzbekistan, conducted using high-resolution satellite imagery (2002–2014) and supplemented by field data from the past 50 years. The analysis identified 242 lakes above 1500 m, categorized by outburst hazard. Results show that 15% of lakes are highly dangerous, while 10% have low outburst potential, with the rest having average risk levels. The ongoing rise in air temperatures has increased the number and area of glacial lakes, as well as the frequency of outburst events. These findings highlight the need for continuous monitoring and hazard assessment.
