Disaster risk in Central Asia: Socio-economic vulnerability context and pilot-study of multi-risk assessment in a remote mountain area of Kyrgyz republic

Umaraliev Ruslan, Moura Rui, Havenith Hans-Balder et al.

Published in: 2020

Publisher: European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research

Region / Country: Central Asia

Topics: Disaster risk reductio

For improvement of DRR practices, the quantitative comprehensive approach of risk analysis applied in this study is used for risk assessment of educational institutions in one of the most seismically active and most disaster-prone mountain regions of Central Asia – the Alay valley, a wide intermontane valley situated in between the two biggest mountain systems in Asia: Tian Shan and Pamir. The developed multidisciplinary study suggests that the quantitative multi-risk assessment approach – can play a crucial role in understanding risks and can significantly improve the quality of disaster risk reduction planning.
