The article briefly reviews the experience of AKAH in Tajikistan, assessing the vulnerability and risk of Khorog town from mudflow threats for the period of 2015-2016. The territory of Khorog town as well as adjacent to the town settlements are selected for the consideration that in future similar assessments will be carried out within small towns as well as large settlements of Tajikistan, which face many risks, including long-range threats that affect the overall Economic and social development, including food security, poor water source management, increased threats from natural disasters, limited access to the markets, isolation of regional centers from the other parts of the Tajikistan. Drafting the report the author used library sources of the Main Department of Geology at the Government of Republic of Tajikistan, and the report “Khorog town natural hazards Risk Assessment and vulnerability”. The main purpose of the research is to draw the attention of Governmental Authorities and the residents of Khorog town to existing problems, from point of view of reducing the risk and vulnerability to water erosion processes other dangerous natural phenomena. In the framework of Khorog town natural hazards and vulnerability Assessment, the framing slopes and drainage basins attached to them has been done. While doing Khorog Town Assessment 42 mudflow channels at the right and left sides of Gunt river valley were identified.