In 2017 the Institute of Geography on behalf of the Department of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed a “Methodology for the organization and functioning of automated mudflow hazard monitoring in the basins of the rivers Kishi and Ulken Almaty, Kargaly and Aksai”. The work was financed by the Akimat of Almaty.This monograph has been written on the basis of the results obtained in the course of this work. In the book the main provisions on automated mudflow hazard monitoring, the conditions of debris flow formation and characteristics of debris flow hazard. The main attention is devoted to the organization of the system of automated monitoring of mudflow in the basins of the rivers Ile Alatau in the territory of Almaty. This system consists of the following blocks: observation, forecasting and warning. On the basis of the proposed methodology, a project will be developed and implemented system of automated mudflow hazard monitoring for the city of Almaty