Dangerous natural phenomena in Tajikistan

Mirzo Saidov, Nikolay Ischuk, Stephanos Ksenarious,Bern Klovv

Published in: 2018

Publisher: OSCE

Region / Country: Tajikistan

Topics: Glaciers melting, avalche, mudlfow

The nature, geology and climate of Tajikistan are the cause of such natural disasters as avalanches, mudflows and movement of glaciers and floods. These dangerous natural phenomena were studied mainly during the Soviet period, therefore, most hazard assessments are based on outdated maps. Recently, a study was carried out in Tajikistan in natural hazards and climate change in Tajikistan (April-November 2016). The study was carried out by various expert groups qualified in areas of geology, hydrology, meteorology and climatology. This report data on avalanches, mudflows and glaciers are presented.
