Danger of GLOFs in the Mountain Areas of Kazakhstan

Viktor Blagovechshenskiy, Vasiliy Kapitsa and Nikolay Kasatkin

Published in: 2015

Publisher: Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 5 (2015) 182-187

Region / Country: Kazakhstan

Topics: GLOFs

The presentation describes the methods and shows the results of GLOFs’ danger estimation in Ile and Zhetysu Alatau ranges (Kazakhstan). The catalogues of glacial lakes were made following the results of satellite images processing. The catalogue contains the data of 186 glacial lakes in Ile Alatau and 577 lakes in Zhetysu Alatau. According to the bathymetric data of 35 glacial lakes the dependences of volume on lake’s area for proglacial and moraine lakes were developed and lake’s volumes were calculated.
There are 32 lakes in Ile Alatau and 110 lakes in Zhetysu Alatau with water volume more than 100,000 m3. The most hazardous lakes have the following characteristics: 1) the lake volume exceeds 100,000 m3, (2) the lake is proglacial, (3) the dam is a young moraine with an ice core, (4) there are sites with the steep of more than 15о spreading for more than 500 m down the valley, and (5) there are important non-protected objects in the mudflows affected area. There are 14 the most hazardous glacial lakes with very high level of GLOF danger: 6 lakes in Ile Alatau and 8 lakes in Zhetysu Alatau.
