Dam Safety Guidelines

Canadian Dam Association

Published in: 2001

Publisher: Canadian Dam Association

Region / Country: All

Topics: Dam Safety

Dam Safety Guidelines,published by CDA in 2007 and revised in 2013, has become an important reference document for dam safety in Canada and internationally. Available in both English and French, the Guidelines consist of principles that are applicable to all dams, and an outline of processes and criteria for management of dam safety in accordance with the principles.
The responsible dam engineer or decision-maker must assess and interpret the information provided in Dam Safety Guidelines, identify any considerations not addressed by those documents, take into account advances in understanding, and determine the appropriate dam safety requirements for a specific situation.
The CDA Dam Safety Committee is responsible for stewardship of the Dam Safety Guidelines. In October 2013, a revision to Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 was released. The revision clarifies CDA’s endorsement of the use of a risk-informed approach to dam safety decisions.
The Dam Safety Guidelines 2007 (Revised 2013) is available for purchase in print or PDF formats at SHOP CDA. The revised Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 are available as a 10-page insert for CDA members to download from the Dam Safety Committee Update page.
