Aidaraliev А.А., Henebry G.M., Chi G., Groisman P., Tomaszewska M., Baihodjoev M.S., Kelgenbaeva K.A

Published in: 2019

Publisher: International Jubilee Scientific Conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the foundation of CAIAG. REMOTE AND TERRESTRIAL RESEARCHES OF THE LAND IN CENTRAL ASIA

Region / Country: Kyrgyzstan

Topics: mountainous livelihood

Climatic, environmental, institutional, and sociodemographic
changes have occurred across Central Asia—and Kyrgyzstan in particular—in recent
decades. Yet, many of these changes and their significance are not well known outside
of the region. Indeed, the last IPCC Assessment Report (AR5) suggests that there are
more knowledge gaps about the consequences of climate change in Central Asia than
any other region in Asia. A scientific investigation funded by the NASA Land
Cover/Land Use Change program has been looking at the linkages between changes
in temperature, precipitation, snow cover, and vegetation growth in the highland pastures of Kyrgyzstan and how globalization (through labor migration and remittances)
influence the sociodemographics of montane agropastoralism. This report provides an
update on the project status, describes some of the key findings to date.
