The need for climate change adaptation has received significant attention in Kyrgyzstan in recent years. The issue is strongly supported at the national level. Adaptation measures are included in the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and in the Third National Communication under the UNFCCC. National strategies and action plans have been developed and approved for the following sectors: emergency situations; forest and biodiversity; agriculture and water management; human health; and energy. Land, Water, and Forest Codes have been amended and supplemented so as to ensure the implementation of effective adaptation measures. In addition, local adaptation initiatives are being actively developed and enjoy support from the government, on the one hand, and from international organizations, on the other. However, despite the very well realized need for adaptation and the availability of detailed and elaborate plans, implementation is hampered by the lack of funds. If acting on its own, Kyrgyzstan can implement only a negligible part of the required measures, for it is a small and relatively weak developing country with a US$ 1,269 per capita income. By way of an illustration: the resources needed to prevent the projected damage in the most vulnerable sectors in Kyrgyzstan are assessed at US$ 1,937.5 million (US$ 2005), while the country only had US$ 213.4 million (US$ 2005) own funds allocated for December 2015. All the legislation necessary to operationalize international financing possibilities is in place at the national level and meets the requirements of international finance institutions. The development of a national adaptation plan (NAP) is also under way. Therefore, it is certainly recommended that financial institutions pay attention to Kyrgyzstan, which is still on a side of mainstream of global efforts. The receipt of international adaptation aid will benefit not only Kyrgyzstan itself, but all the countries in the basin of the Syrdaria, which is a key water artery in Central Asia.