Characteristics and Origin of Rock Glaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan)

T. Bolch, A. Gorbunov

Published in: 2014

Publisher: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes

Region / Country: Central Asia

Topics: Glaciers / Environment / Water / Hydrology / Climate change / etc.

Northern Tien Shan is characterised by a distinct periglacial belt that contains many rock glaciers with an area of 1 km2 or more. To investigate the reason for their large size and variable occurrence, we analysed a representative subsample of the rock glaciers with respect to topographic and climatic variables. A simple permafrost model indicates that the rock glaciers originate in the zone where permafrost occurrence is very likely and some large rock glaciers flow down to elevations where permafrost is unlikely to exist outside the rock glaciers themselves. Correlation and multiple regression analyses revealed that the occurrence and characteristics of the rock glaciers can only be partly explained by the characteristics of the contributing area (e.g. its area or the headwall height).
