Assessment and mapping of mudflow hazards in the Kishi And Ulken Almaty River Basins

Medeu A.R., Blagovechshenskiy V.P., Baimoldayev T.A., Kirenskaya T.L., Stepanov B.S.

Published in: 2019

Publisher: Eurasian Union of Scientists # 3 (60), 2019

Region / Country: Kazakhstan

Topics: Assessment and mapping of mudflow hazards

In the article the questions connected with assessment and mapping of mudflow danger in the river basins of Kishi Almaty and Ulken Almaty are considered. For the assessment of mudflow danger such characteristics as way of flow and limits of distribution of mudflows of different volumes and repeatability are considered. Apart from that, there was completed mapping of river basins of Ulken Almaty and Kishi Almaty at the level of riverbeds and streams.
