Adapting to Climate Change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Marianne Fay, Rachel Block, Jane Ebinger

Published in: 2010

Publisher: World Bank Publications

Region / Country: Central Asia / Central Europe

Topics: Climate Change / Environment

The region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is already experiencing the consequences of climate change: increasing variability, warmer temperatures, altered hydrology. Events such as droughts, floods, heat waves, windstorms, and forest fires are increasing in number and severity. The concentration of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere guarantees that similar or greater changes are yet to come even if the world were to completely stop emitting CO2 today. This region is particularly vulnerable because of its legacy of socioeconomic issues, environmental mismanagement, aging infrastructure and housing, and under-investment in hydrometeorological, rural, and health institutions. The resulting adaptation deficit will exacerbate climate risks and hamper the ability of sectors that could gain from climate change, such as agriculture, to reap the full benefits. ‘Adapting to Climate Change in Eastern Europe and Central Asia’ presents an overview of what adaptation to climate change might mean for the countries of ECA.
